Why Proactive Support Is More Important Than Ever

They say the only constant in life is change. And the support industry has seen its fair share of disruption and change over the past several years.

As we head into uncertain times, it’s more important than ever for B2B companies to be thinking about how they optimize the support experience. The support organization is the “front line” for B2B firms when it comes to the customer experience, and what can make or break retention and expansion efforts in trying economic times.

Join us on August 30th where Martin Schneider, BoostTalent’s Chief Evangelist, will outline the key factors driving the need for renewed investment in the support experience.

Key points of discussion will include:

  • Why support can make or break your brand
  • How support can directly improve revenue in a “retention first” economy
  • The role AI and analytics can play in transforming support
  • Real world examples of “recession-proof” support experience projects

This is a can’t-miss session for anyone looking to optimize their support experience to succeed in today’s challenging economic conditions.

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Streaming live on August 30